15 February 2010

Words on my blog: Many Eyes Viz

I'm playing around with Many Eyes - they have some nice text based visualizations. I'll be looking at their charting options as well. Here's a cloud of words on my blog.

I wish that it would appear a little more embedded - i.e. lose the menu at the top and not be grayed out to begin with.

1 comment:

  1. Some of you may not be able to see this because it's Java. I could, of course, especially as the content is effectively static, have just embedded this as a picture, visible to all (most).

    That wasn't the point of the post - I doubt you really care what words are popular on my blog (here's a hint - data, charts, visualization...), but rather to introduce you to the Many Eyes environment. Most of their viz options are dynamic, so if you're not seeing my quick example, you're not seeing those either.

    And, yes, that is a problem as we become more phone browser (and iPad) oriented. Maybe we'll see these one day as CSS implementations - you could probably already do many of them with CSS level 3.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and commenting.
